Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Trade Ideas for Tomorrow $PMC $JRJC $XON $ZIOP $OREX $ADXS $NES $BIOC

Not a great day today...  first off I missed BIOC. Shorted premarket around 8:15 and loaded risk based on 4. It went up to 4.1 and washed out. After that, I was hoping for a higher push that never came. Very frustrating as I was totally short bias on the stock.

Then, we had OREX.. got late in the game and like everybody else I was hoping for a short squeeze (day 1) but nope not this time. I guess being a pig does not necessarily work every time. Lesson learned

Long Watchlist for tomorrow..  I will only be trading the one that sticks to the plan below.

NES will get long if it breaks above previous res on vol at the open

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 ADXS only if it gaps down and break premarket high on volume. Ideally, we see it push through 11 then short for fade

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OREX  gap up, para at the open and short. I'll be looking for a similar fade tomorrow through the day OR gap down, wash out set lower lows and red to green type of move for ramp.

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XON washout red to green ramp. I'll watch ZIOP as well (sympathy play)

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 JRJC former runner wants higher. Will look for .5 break on vol only

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 PMC ideally gap up ramp at the open for a nice parabolic short

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Happy trading folks. As for myself, I will be focus on consistency, patience and entries. Not forcing any trade after today